Is Your Corporate Network Being Properly Managed?

Whether your network is under a cybercrime investigation or not, it’s important to take the time to properly assess the management of your network. At a base level, this is done by reviewing the network diagrams to see if it’s current and accurately reflects the network layout and interconnections. It also includes reviewing the configuration […]
What Computer Policies are Essential for my Employees?

Policies are rules set forth by your company on what your people can do and what they are absolutely prohibited from doing in the workplace. Policies are made for all areas of corporate life, but they are especially important for identifying how your employees can use your company’s technology, including your corporate network and computers. […]
Steps to Conducting a Cybercrime Investigation
We’ve simplified the process in this article, but make no mistake – there is no cookie-cutter approach to cybercrime investigations. As cybercrime investigators, we must plan out each investigation based on the events of the intrusion. As we move into the future, new technologies will emerge, new devices will be deployed, and new methodologies will […]
Humans are the Problem!
Did you know that most studies show that over 80% of network and computer intrusions are due to user error? You can write software and implement sophisticated technology to make your network more secure, but how do you fix people? That’s where user awareness training comes in. Making this small investment now can help prevent […]
Why Your Small Business Needs More Than Just Backups
Data is the lifeblood of small businesses. Whether it’s customer records, financial data, or critical documents, the loss of this information can be absolutely devastating! This is why backups have become a standard practice for businesses of all sizes. Backups are like insurance policies, ensuring that your data can be recovered in case of accidental […]